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Moe-style Illustration

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Jp 日本語

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Please stop your eyes thank you.

My former book (いちごろく) and name.
For men of character illustrations mainly, teen-mainly depicts the girls in their twenties.
Also, manufactures, deformed, MoE 4 frames.
(Later, we will post sample)
Line drawings are analog or Photoshop, coloring is all in Photoshop.
As period drawings-is coloring until I would like have 1-2 weeks.

It is also possible only the colored line drawings only.
Genre is contemporary ones-depicts the various things, such as fantasy, Mecha girl, personification. Coloring how the animated paint the Ganga filled.
I think if at your request to the thick coating like the challenge.
Also, think we will respond also to women, rather than just for men (MoE, GL). * 18 For men will respond as to what is too radical, GLO series do not accept *

  • Creator ID:3702
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:15year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-


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MoE, pretty, for men, cute, MoE illustration illustration, girls, fantasy series, deformed, 4 scenes


Material to the iPad and iPhone for electronic comic (manga) provides


Still in the learning, immature, but the character can be pleased, works as my very best.
Please, feel free to contact us. Thank you.

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