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Jp 日本語

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We provide on-site photo and video shooting services in Fukuoka. We will visit your designated location and take photos. All data taken within the time will be delivered online. We also accept album production as an option. Commemorative photos such as Shichi-Go-San, pre-coming-of-age ceremony photos, shrine visits, family photos, etc. wedding photo. Commercial photography of companies, restaurants, stores, etc. Profile photo. etc. are supported. It is also possible to create a simple studio on the go and take photos using background paper and a strobe.

  • Creator ID:30371
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:47y.o.
  • Career:10year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 days


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Graduated from the Department of Photography, Faculty of Art, Kyushu Sangyo University. 27 years of camera experience. Been a professional photographer for about 10 years. Has 4 years of experience working at a photo studio.


I have been a professional photographer for over 10 years. Please feel free to request! !

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