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Jp 日本語

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My name is 6machi. The history is summarized below. After graduating from art school, worked as an illustrator at an illustration production company. I am good at character design, drafting, line drawing and coloring. Pattern matching is possible. As for the taste of illustrations, I'm especially good at handsome characters, and I'm good at sexy girls, so I'm confident in otome games and illustrations for women. During my tenure, I mainly worked on illustration production using Live2D, and worked on modeling and other things. Currently, using the above knowledge, I am working on moving one picture under the theme of "breathing picture" in my own production and selling it as NFT. After that, in my current position, I am in charge of planning and editing webtoon comics, production progress management and name supervision, and I also have knowledge of comic composition. * Please see the portfolio site for the work * https://www.foriio.com/nenasaine [Private Portfolio] I would like to send you a message each time. Available software clip studio (used for more than 5 years) Photoshop (used for more than 1 year) Live2D (used for more than 1 year) Maya (basic knowledge only)

  • Creator ID:29594
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:5year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Character illustration, for girls, for women, character design, standing picture, Live2D, standing picture for Live2D, still, cover, webtoon, vertical manga

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