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Jp 日本語

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[Self-introduction] Nice to meet you, my name is yuhi. I am a freelance photographer. Originally, I went to school with the aim of becoming a graphic designer and learned cameras as part of my class. Now that I'm absorbed in the camera, I'm studying every day with the desire to become a designer and photographer who can handle everything from shooting to design. Currently, we are accepting and ordering shooting requests mainly on SNS, but I would like to use this because I want to expand the frontage. I usually take snapshots, portraits, flowers and scenery, and illuminations in winter. [Style] The same is true when working on design, but first of all, we are asking what kind of photo you would like. We will make suggestions and consultations so that the finish will be as close to the ideal as possible.

  • Creator ID:29555
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:2y.o.
  • Career:4year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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We also accept film shooting. As for the film, 3000 yen will be charged for each film. * We would appreciate it if you could have a meeting as much as possible before shooting in order to share the completed image of the film fee + development fee and to alleviate each other's anxieties.

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