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Jp 日本語

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Thank you for your attention. I'm a sushi person who draws illustrations while doing housework and childcare. Weekday work hours * It will go up and down depending on the progress of housework and the sleeping time of the child. Basic 21:00 to 0:00 ◆ Icon and illustration creation ◆ Deformation ◆ TRPG and creative standing picture ■ Character design ◆ I like to draw girls ◆ HLGLBL Because it is a miscellaneous food, I also receive a standing picture of the story of such a scenario ◆ I love Ori-chara (created child, avatar, my character, custom cast, alter ego, etc. I'm super happy if you get it.) ◆◆ I'm not good at it, maybe I can't accept it. (It can be drawn unless it is an extreme bird's-eye view or tilt)

  • Creator ID:29538
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:private
  • Career:2year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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There are no project which is permited to show here.


Deformation, standing picture, girl, boy, adult man, adult woman, animation painting


Has a track record of requests on Twitter, Mercari, and SKIMA


Basically, we do not give up the copyright, but please contact us in case of purchase. However, we do not abandon the moral rights because we would like to report portfolios, samples, and deliveries.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
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