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Jp 日本語

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An illustrator who specializes in nonsense and cute illustrations that make you laugh. Born in Osaka. After graduating from the Japanese painting class at Seian University of Art and Design, he has been active as an illustrator and designer after working as a designer for Trump planning and an advertising agency. Good paintings: loose-touch characters, suspicious women, etc. * Designs and illustrations, total suggestions are also welcome. Delivery method: Delivery by data (jpg / psd), original drawings can be submitted for analog production works (return required) Schedule until delivery: Rough proposal (with simple coloring) → Correction support → Let us do this coloring I have received it. Software used Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe fresco

  • Creator ID:29438
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:40y.o.
  • Career:12year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Cute person illustrations (cut illustrations, book illustrations, picture books), book designs, package illustrations, etc.


[Work record] ・ Tokushima Prefecture mental care project video illustration (Original Co., Ltd.) ・ Cookie package illustration / design (Main Mano) ・ Illustration of literary PR magazine PONTOON cover (Gentosha) ・ Illustration introducing Japanese traditional culture (TOYOTA / MAGAWEB) ・ Illustrations of new year's cards from each company, many (Banfu / Myprint, etc.) ・ Delicious intestinal activity project website illustrations (Panasonic) ・ Tapioca store logo illustrations (TAPIDEHIRO) And package illustration work is in progress. [Awards] 2011 "12th International Illustration Competition" Honorable Mention 2016 "Gentosha PONTOON Illustration Competition Vol.16" Grand Prize 2019 "ondo" Illustration Competition Selected 2020 "Meet at Picture Exhibition" & Shinjuku Marui Exhibition 2022 "Appearance Gallery" Chukyo TV sponsorship Pickup artist selection


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