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Jp 日本語

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Nice to meet you. My name is Yutaka Inoue of Y's Photo, which is active mainly in the Kansai region. I mainly take a commemorative photo of my family, focusing on my profile picture. I think that photography is not just about when it is taken, but it becomes more valuable over time. By cutting out that moment, we will do our best to make your precious day a lot more joyful, and to let you know a new side of yourself by being photographed.

  • Creator ID:29290
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:44y.o.
  • Career:7year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Taking profile pictures for sole proprietors and pictures for homepages. Activity records of various groups (lectures, presentations, etc.) Shooting of regional magazines


Regarding photo retouching, it is possible to have colors that look good on SNS and deep colors that are typical of photographs. We will deliver it in the desired form such as online or CD-R. We can also produce albums, so please contact us once.

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