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Jp 日本語

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Since the age of 20, I have been working at home as an illustrator mainly for men, regardless of whether I am an individual or a company. Currently, I am working for a company while working as a freelancer. Basically, I am good at both women and men. We are looking for both one-off and long-term, so please contact us if you see my illustration.

  • Creator ID:29162
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:34y.o.
  • Career:2year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Card game illustration Standing picture In-game still illustration


2012 Graduated from Kyushu Designer Gakuin Game Character Department 2012-present Active regardless of company individual Award history Adopted in a certain video illustration contest (flash distribution) Adopted a certain avatar in-game contest Award winning puzzle and bronze award CLOSERS illustration Contest Excellence Award In-game DL screen adoption Phantasy Star Online 2 Illustration Contest Winner In-game wallpaper implemented


I am good at both men and women. (We are good at characters from 16 to 25 years old.) We also draw animals in some cases.

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