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Jp 日本語

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I have just started drawing. As far as my hobbies are concerned, I will continue to devote myself every day. I was curious for the time being, so I registered. Moe-type secondary / special-effects-type pictures or illustrations, or something like that (^ q ^) I love monsters (laughs) I'm really just a nerd ... By the way, I don't really know if it's a new guy (laughs) ) There is a 7-year blank. Until then, it was like a picture. I was riding an eroge character like a painful car ... It's like that, so thank you. m (__) m

  • Creator ID:28955
  • Gender:other
  • Age:private
  • Career:3year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Moe or special effects Sometimes weird graffiti


Natsunosuke Home Beaver is founded and the level of becoming a representative goes up by 1. ↓ The level of taking a leave of absence increases by 1 due to the influence of illness. So, the level at which you start drawing occasionally will increase by 2 ↓ sugar ☆ party With the explosion, it continues to the present


I refuse to say that the sexual depiction is intense. Gross is probably impossible. (I mean, I don't have that kind of drawing power ...) I might be able to draw a strange mascot character. There is also a physical thing, so it will be a shape that I will do. Therefore, even if you request it, the delivery is not so fast ... (ノ Д`)

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