Cover Image

Ameri Yamane

Ameri Yamane


I draw a simple but imaginative illustration that values the lines. Most of the illustrations are single color (mainly blue), but you can specify the color. It can be handed over in the transparent state where the ground color can be used as it is for the colored part such as the face, or it can be colored white. In particular, I draw women's illustrations and animal illustrations in a slightly ennui and surreal form. It seems that many of the viewers feel that the illustrations are fashionable, and you can speak to them, so how about drawing books and magazines for women? Please feel free to contact us. Thank you.

Creator ID:26613





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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0Favorited:   110cpt(6562Positions /23788People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Pen drawing style illustration


Consumer game illustration multiple, package label design (2015) Not the current touch. Currently, I mainly draw with the touch of the publication, so I can not draw game illustrations etc.


You cannot create sexual or violent expressions that violate public order and morals. Also, please note that we do not accept items with significantly changed touch (animation style illustrations, digital game illustrations, etc.). Basically, the copyright license agreement is concluded with each other and cannot be used by a third party. However, if it is difficult to use in the above such as publishing, the price will be added after consulting the copyright transfer agreement. In addition, even if the copyright is transferred, we will consult with you about the permission to post it on your homepage as a product. Please feel free to contact us for any other inquiries.

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Book Design


Jp 日本語

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