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Jp 日本語

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I'm a new designer for half a year working at an advertising company. I love drawing illustrations and studied visual arts for 4 years at university. After that, study abroad in Denmark. Although I have little work experience, I am confident in the design power and the speed of finishing. Nice to meet you.

  • Creator ID:26436
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:28y.o.
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Character caricature design Graphic advertising design


Graduated from Arts University for 4 years Graduated from the Danish Design School Joined an advertising company Half a year I work mainly in graphic design mainly for paper media.


There are various tastes in the illustration, so please ask. We will meet your request as much as possible! You may be asked to take a picture of a portrait. You can retake up to two times. You can also design business cards, DMs, and goods using illustrations! Please contact us as well. Transfer of copyright will be charged separately.

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