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Black hair short bob bangs Patzun girl likes.

Creator ID:25538





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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Good at drawing beautiful girl characters. We produce illustrations with anime and watercolor paintings. Has trading experience. All requested works will be delivered within one week. For example, a single bust-up can be delivered in about 2 days.


We will produce illustrations according to your request. Contents of request Original character, self-made novel, game character, copyright, virtual YouTuber, etc ... When requesting: ・ Use ・ Character information ・ Composition (bust up, icons, etc.) ・ Presence of options such as background ・ Only here Please let me know what you want to be aware of here. For information on characters, please provide information on hairstyle, height, physique, (bust), clothes, personality, etc. for self-made characters. Also, if you have materials such as illustrations, please submit them. ● If you are a copyrighted character, please tell us the title and character. Also, if you have a particular feeling of this scene, you can tell us with photos. [Rate guide] ● Illustration of whole body 10000 yen ● Bust up 8000 yen ● Character design 14000 yen The above price is a guide only. There are no accessories, simple costumes, anime painting base, no background price. Please contact us if you have any requests for options such as background and paint. [Option guideline] ● Additional number of people (per person) +6000 yen ● Background +5000 yen ● Watercolor painting +3000 yen ● R designation +3000 yen ● Rough correction +3000 yen [Notes] ● Product self-made remarks stop it. Unauthorized commercial use is strictly prohibited. (Please consult us for commercial use.) ● The produced work may be used for my product promotion and portfolio creation. Schedule Description [Request Flow] 1. First, select from the above products. 2. I will draw a rough (roughly colored), so I will accept corrections up to 2 times. (There will be an additional charge for the third and subsequent times.) 3. Draw line drawing → coloring based on the rough. 4. Submit the finished product. (Please let us know if you have any requests, such as wanting to show them even when the line drawing is finished)

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Jp 日本語

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