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Whatever great cuisine, landscapes, people, cars, animals, sports in General, Sky Sports, underwater, caving in.
To get rid of the genre cannot be taken has taken many. Even overseas filming went Passport reprinting two books about 5 years.

  • Creator ID:2416
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:private
  • Career:35year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:-


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Travel food car news documentary


Kadokawa Shoten [televison, トウキョウウォーカー, etc.]
[Weekly Playboy, monthly Playboy: SHUEISHA
Shogakukan [Dime, Bhopal, bessatsu Margaret]
Kodansha hot dog press
Science and research [Lutheran, digicapa, dopa, Mook Book]
Recruitment [! AB road, et al, sexy]
San-EI Shobo (Genlock, Ollie)
EI publications [Shonan Southern style, garden city life]
Takarajimasha [weekly Takarajima, books]
Nissan [of shareholders general meeting for slides for screening models photos]
Isuzu Motors [Motorshow public relations]
CASIO watch [G-shock ad location]
Ministry of health [slide for showing photos of the event]
Kanagawa prefectural Zoo [Exhibition photos]
Seven Andi [publicity Group]
Tokyu Bunkamura [publications] Culture broadcasting brain [nurse Senka, hospital ad]


Kadokawa Shoten after joining in the 4 years free and now. Then, squid heaven boom era after Shibuya on-air magazine, the Ito-Yokado group entire PR, nursing magazine, snowboard magazine overseas filming locations filming etc car magazine with coverage of the travel magazine and men's weekly magazine main aprtment.

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