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Atsuage Consaro

Atsuage Consaro


Hello! I am an underground dollar and I am a current dental hygienist! I am an illustrator. Coconut and skill clouds have sent with the same name! We propose characters to the famous amusement company, make samples and draw 4 pieces of the company's product! Former basement In addition to doing dollars, I have also handled a lot of caricatures of birth message cards etc. Moreover, since I am doing a job of national qualification as a dental hygienist I also have consultations on mouth that I can not consult quite well We have been receiving various consultation so that we can consult about matters that are not related to your mouth inside you and received complaints and whatever consultation! You can have a relationship that you can build trust with everyone I think so. Twitter I made it new!

Creator ID:23610





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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Projects Done:1  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Caricatures, girls illustration


Since I was a student, I was performing underground idol activities and I worked as a dental hygienist but also had a dual life! I draw illustrations from a very young age and I noticed the pleasure of drawing caricatures since I began making message cards etc. during idle activities. We have received your work by contacting companies from Twitter.

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Portrait & Caricature


Jp 日本語

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