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Moe-style Illustration

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Jp 日本語


I thought that my work would be helpful for various people! Character Production * Game Character * Local Moe Chara * Now also the design of Vtubar in fashion! * Character production of TRPG Character illustration * Movie production * Game illustration * Cover of the booklet * CD jacket illustration too! I am mainly making ordinary manga in the usual way Secondary creation draws BL besides GL I am good at girls with Japanese style design Girls who are particularly good at making characters incorporating external factors It is a cute girl of Lolita system!

  • Creator ID:23297
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:8year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Character design Manga production Character production


Graduated from Bunka Art University college major Currently working as a design office monthly comicREX monthly cartoon comic award 2017 November issue E prize 2018 February issue D prize


* We will refuse production including sexual expression / violence expression * Please be sure to complete the product you ordered and report the result (thank you for advertising) * Do not refuse religious content / discriminatory content We will ask * Please be sure to have a detailed consultation before making it

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