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My name is Miyamura of the portfolio. With advertisement shooting, fashion, portrait photography etc as main, I have more than 20 years career. We are doing a lot of shooting including beauty, distribution, mail order catalog, apparel, kimono, wedding dress, cosmetics etc, including product shooting, web shooting, interview shoot, CM, VIDEO video shooting production. In addition, I am doing photography production progressing in total including model casting, location coordinating, staffing and hair styling such as hair makeup. We are equipped with Takanawa product shooting studio and Nozawa digital room. We arrange shooting equipment, lighting equipment, digital equipment, transportation cars, we can respond with professional security correspondence, high quality finish and speedy delivery. (It is a member of JPS (Japan Photographers Association) registered as a professional photographer)

  • Creator ID:23030
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:private
  • Career:24year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within a month


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From Tokyo Metropolitan Tokyo Sogo Photographic College Photographic Arts Faculty After graduating the United States, after working as a camera asynth stunt, established Miyamura Photo Office in Harajuku, founded a corporation in 2005. Company name changed to portfolio company. http://www.jmstudio.net 1988 APA Prize Winning 1989 Commercial Photo Magazine 100 Fashion Photographer 1989 Harajuku Morihanuevil Photo Exhibition 1990 Commercial Photo Magazine Selected as 18 New Photographer 1991 ADC Award Winning (Lotte CM ) 1992 Commercial Photo Magazine Photo Graphic Fur Feature Miyamura Jiro 1995 Commercial Photo Magazine Professional Portrait Light 2010 Photo Album IMAII Inclusive Published 2010 Photo Credits Image Categories 64 Published by Female Mode Company 2000 JPA Japan Photographers Association Admission 2002 Shinagawa Takanawa Photo shoot studio opening 2005 photo collection, fundamental beauty published by Shueisha 2008 Photo exhibition in Roppongi Midtown 2009 (Fundamental Beauty Exhibition) 2009 Commercial Photo Magazine People and Photography Feature Miyamura Jiro 2010 Photo Album Image Categories 64 Published by Female Mode Company 2010 JHA Award Award 2014 Ebisu Ri Office Relocation 2015 ARIMINO photo contest (he served from 2007) Jury (beauty work history) Shiseido to Daikanyama, Kanebo, Kose, L'Oreal, Arimino, Wella, MAC Milbong, Fancl, Orbis, Max Factor, etc

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