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Jp 日本語

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I participate in production as TV anime "Tell me a magical pendulum ~ Riliru fair lil ~" directing and original drawing. It is a free animator which started business in 2018. CM company who joined from a new graduate has produced CM for one week at 3 minutes per week and has over 100 production experiences. Currently I am looking for a job that can be done from next term. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to hear from us. Thank you.

  • Creator ID:22896
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:private
  • Career:15year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago




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Character animation, illustrations


2018: TV animation "Oshiie Magical Pendulum ~ Rilururu Fairiru ~" Broadcasting Time: 5 episodes, 9 episodes Directing and original drawing 2017 ~: Animation "Nyanmori ryu - Ken Puru Gakuen" Animation Production 2016 : Independent production animation "Game Theory of Mao Lu (Depiction)" - Animation Produced by CM Company in 2015

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