Cover Image

Mai Itsuki

Mai Itsuki


Standing picture, game CG, cover, everything will be received! Although it is not a fashionable pattern, both men and women have a beautiful picture and confidence in the body. A woman can paint an elegant graceful and plump body, while a man can draw a balanced body with moderately muscles. Commercial, male oriented, female oriented, BL, TL, insult, binding, general preferences can be accepted, so please consult us. Illustration is greatly different in content and price. Standing pictures etc can be made relatively cheaply, but in the case of one picture or drawing is detailed, the price goes up by the amount of work. Please estimate.

Creator ID:22686





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

Standard Price

One A4-sized color illustration :JPY35,000


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4Favorited:   230cpt(3460Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:2  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Game illustration, illustrations for adults, illustrations of men and women's bodies


· Transfer of copyright is not done. The act of forfeiting the author, self-made remarks is absolutely prohibited. I will not do ghostwriters. · Please do not use unauthorized use other than the purpose of use presented at the time of request, please be sure to contact us. Please do not use commercial without permission as it is the origin of the trouble. [Scope of use] When using production illustrations for games, magazines, jackets, web publications for advertisements, announcements, capture etc. and publication of magazines are within the production fee. It is within the production fee to use for promotional novelty. Tissues, leaflets, telephone cards, letter goods, etc. If you do not understand please contact us. Basically planar novelty is almost within production fee.

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