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Jp 日本語

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Product photography (consumer electronics, cosmetics, accessories and products products) and food photography (menus, cooking processes, packages and materials) interview with Roque added, company profile, store shooting catalog, brochure, poster advertising in General motoring, 33 million images do image synthesis and modification of high-quality digital camera shooting after.
Shooting fees, please feel free to consult. We will also propose taking by low rates tailored to your budget

  • Creator ID:2158
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Product photography and cooking and food photography interview shooting / Studio / Home shoot


Beppu, Oita Prefecture
Graduated Tokyo photos
As a freelance photographer, poised their studio work after Shibuya Tokyo advertising photography Studio -Manufacturer product catalog photography, such as Sony and restaurant cuisine menu and talent interviews interview shooting mainly, recently engaged in Internet shop product photography or shooting clinic and company homepage.


Is a Photography Studio providing photography services ☆ high quality product photos, food photos ☆
[Product photo] images photos etc products, package and accessories, cosmetics, jewelry, apparel and products crop photo shoot
[Try shooting represents a form of merchandise or products or detail]
[Picture] shooting of restaurant menus, ingredients and cooking processes
[Sense of the quality of the material, food and food value and delicious food photography and aims]
[Taken when traveling to the location of Tokyo outskirts] interview, company profile, store and facility, shop shooting

(The filmed from every point of view in flexible on-site with fancy footwork)
Products and want to photograph an attractive design studios, advertising agencies and WEB production company making all parties concerned other please feel free to consult us you are looking for photographers to show better product photos, food photography, restaurant and hotel scene. For more information please see http://himeno-st.com.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
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