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Projects Done 4

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Jp 日本語



He worked as a graphic player for an application game company for less than seven years and has experienced the main graphic and game director of the game. I am good at illustrations of character characters used in application games and illustrations of mini characters used for goods like acrylic key holders. I am good at cute as a taste. Because I worked at a game company, I can accommodate tasks such as separating layers separately for each color and parts division. I hope to be free and to challenge a variety of jobs. Please feel free to contact us. Thank you.

  • Creator ID:21257
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago






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Character illustrations, mini characters, illustrations for games


Graduated from Musashino Art University 2010, Department of Design and Information Science 2011 <Main job> · "Aki no Jikan" main graphic artist, UI creation, art director work, character design · "anthropomorphic" avatar design, art Director business · Other ambition contents "Rainbow color cano" "Moe can" "Fair doll" "Stars him" Avatar creation "Love hebun" Character creation etc Free from April 2018

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