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Toshitaka Ogasawara

Toshitaka Ogasawara


We have a photography studio in Kyoto city and we are active. We do product shooting in the studio, person shoot, as well as various business trip shoots. Currently, we mainly shoot arts, crafts, kimono, traditional buildings. I am particularly good at photography related to traditional performing arts, especially the tea ceremony. In addition, we also shoot temples, shrines and temples, Buddha statues, flowers and natural sceneries. Even though I take one product shoot, I am studying every day so that I can take pictures that remain in my mind, not being thrown away. If there is a margin, thank you.

Creator ID:19742





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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0Favorited:   367cpt(2311Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:2  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Product shooting, Kimono, Tea ceremony, Antique art, Traditional culture, Shrines and temples, Buddha statues, Landscape photographs of Lake Biwa etc.


After graduating from Tokyo Polytechnic University, he studied with photographer Yojiro Adachi. In the course of living a life as an assistant for 8 years, I am learning Iloha of advertisement photograph. Returned home in 1998 and became a free photographer. Engaged in photography of commercials based in Kyoto. From 2001, in the "Monthly Praise" (Akasaka) he was in charge of photographing of Uesenke family. In April 2010, I set up "Studio Cherry Blossoms" with my wife and start shooting maternity photo and private photo. Since August 2014, I transferred the studio to Kyoto, photographed a wide range of subjects such as the tea ceremony, antique art, traditional culture, shrines and temples, Buddha statues, landscape photographs of Lake Biwa. In the studio, we also shoot product shoots, profile pictures, maternity pictures and so on.

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