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Favorited:  36    2,101cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 35

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Jp 日本語


Thank you for viewing your profile. I'm Aoi Atsugi, who mainly draws Moe Musical Bishoujo illustrations (including for adults). I am good at female characters, but I draw a lot of SD characters, men, monsters and so on. We will also accept requests for R18, such as cover for individuals and companies, packages for games etc., for individual viewing for sites / SNS etc. (Ska only NG) Illustration of the copyright character as well as the image of the original character vaguely inside the client can be told, we will propose it from here, so please feel free Please contact us. In addition, it is possible not only for a single shot but also for a long term, so please do not hesitate to consult us as well. When estimate and consultation, use purpose, delivery date, size etc. can be written in detail, I think whether we can also respond in more detailed form. ■ Price standard · A4 illustration (1 character · simple background): 15000 yen ~ · Standing picture · SD character (no background): 10000 yen ~ ※ Additional characters, precise background, difference addition, thick coating, copyright transfer etc Addition ■ Available data · jpg, png, psd, etc. ■ Tools used · Adobe Photoshop · Clip Studio Paint · sai

  • Creator ID:19691
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago




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Moe Illustration Character Design SD Character Package Illustration Game Illustration Illustration for Adults


Social game illustration CG collection self-development game etc.

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