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Jp 日本語

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Born and raised in Kochi Prefecture, he advanced to Musashino Art University Oil Painting Department. In charge of editing assistance at Atamatte International while studying abroad, led by attraction of words, charm of graphic advertisement, after graduating from university, worked for a design company specializing in drinking industry for about 7 years. He is responsible for sales promotion in small and medium-sized eating chains, logo of individual business shops, menus, pops etc. In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, I worked for a year at Shimome Umehara Design Office, returning home in search of Honto Uno Yutakasa, and studied food package design etc. After that I experienced a high school art instructor and retired for birth. While childcare, I casually asked the people who are in need, I registered and wished to serve you. Although it may not correspond to an extremely short turnaround date and a huge amount of work, I would like to help you to trust customers and make an effect without losing professionalism. Since it is a graduate of oil painting, it is possible to correspond to a slight illustration of a taste or a design including illustrations as necessary. Thank you.

  • Creator ID:19336
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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