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Portrait shooting, landscape shooting, magazine shooting, WEB advertisement shooting, product shooting, underwater shooting and so on. Currently I participate in projects such as book magazines, web advertisement shooting, product advertisement shooting, etc. in Japan and around the world.

  • Creator ID:19292
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago



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When I was my teens, I started surfing in Iwako, Aichi Prefecture, affected by California's surf beach culture. At the same time, I started shooting video with a film camera, handmade movies etc with my friends. In his twenties, he joined the publishing company and met his master in life. Learn the essential part of lifestyle and life style of life by being influenced greatly by the history of street culture and beach culture such as music, car, lifestyle, surfing, fashion. Leaving the publisher in his thirties. Actively started as a free journalist. Interested in the relationship between the ocean and surfing and human beings, with the theme of living style and the essential lifestyle of human beings, food, clothing and shelter, and started focusing on the unique free surfer in Ichi Lake in the local Aichi prefecture. Portrait shooting, landscape shooting, magazine shooting, WEB advertisement shooting, product shooting, underwater shooting and so on. Photographs are offered and published to FOLKLORE magazine in New York Brooklyn, USA 2013. In 2014 European Spain's Longboard Surf magazine Hangten revista longboard magazine is the first Japanese to have photos in the magazine and the faith has become deep and involved with photographers and surfers in countries throughout Europe. She exhibits herself for the first time at The Californians held in Japan in 2015. In April 2016, we will conduct a 10-country road trip to Europe, Spain, Basque Country, France, Portugal, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands and shoot while cooking with the local colleagues. Participated as a Japanese first invited writer on the surf festival SURFCTITY FESTIVAL 2016 held in Spain Barcelona and Majorca. July Europe SUPER EXPO QUASIMOTO SURFS held in Spain As a Japanese first writer Japanese photographs were offered to the joint photo exhibition Japanese first participation. After returning to Japan, I took photographs of projects in Japan and photographed products and participated in magazine and web advertisement photography of European countries. Participated in the January European highest peak January magazine Back Wish magazine, his work was posted on the Back Wish magazine web page and is introduced for the first time as a Japanese journalist. Performed in Europe at Shonan rhythmshop in Kanagawa Prefecture. December Japan's first European surf festival EUROSURF FESTIVAL 2016 participated in the project. Tokyo Omotesando Hills and local Aichi prefecture Nagoya City Shin-ei brickyard studio held. In March 2017 we decided to travel around 3200 kilometers of Australia and do a road trip while deepening friendship through photography with various individual free surfers. After returning to Japan, she presented her work as an invited writer to the surf festival SURFCTITY FESTIVAL 2017 to be held in Barcelona, ​​Spain. April Showcase Australia work at Pippen Store PPM in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. In the same month the work will be introduced on the WEB page of the world's best surf magazine SURFER. May Showcase European work at the Euro surf style booth at the Japan's largest surf festival Greenroom Festival in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. At the Abara House Harajuku store in Tokyo Harajuku in the same month showcase European work at Eurosurf style POP UP STORE. July Posted an Australian article photo on Surf magazine Blue. August Aichi prefecture furniture store Maurice showed European works, Surf magazinekikou posted. European Portugal Surfing Festival gliding barnacles 2017 Joined the joint exhibition and festival as the first Japanese invited as a photographer. SURF EXPO QUASIMOTO SURFS which was held in Europe Spain the same month, provided pictures to the joint photo exhibition. November Posted photos on Surf magazine Blue. Shonan Shichirigahama Deus event schedule is scheduled for the same month. December The schedule of The Californians 2 will be exhibited, Shirakawago 4th curtain joint photo exhibition is scheduled to participate. Currently participating in projects such as photography of book magazines and web advertisements, product advertisement photography of domestic and international countries.

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