Cover Image

hire kei

hire kei


He worked at printing companies, design offices, video production companies, and e-commerce companies, and has worked extensively on paper, media, and websites. Thank you.

Creator ID:18929





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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I am engaged in the initial process of the printing process at the general printing company and I am in the field from the final work of printing at the same work place and have basic knowledge of the entire process of printing. In addition, he worked at the design office, taught design from the owner of a foreign painter from the foundation and accumulated practical training. I changed jobs to a video production / DVD sales company, improved the work environment of linear editing, constructed a nonlinear editing system with PC, and prepared a more precise and stable image production environment. In addition, I was involved in many processes from production to sales, listened to the voices of the production site and customer's requests, and improved the operation. In the e-commerce company, we are involved in everything from the planning, production and sale of the sale, in addition to the initial setting from EC mall opening / closing application, from the product registration to the store management, advertisement selection and marketing from the marketing, distribution of e-mail magazines etc. , Rakuten Ichiba, Amazon, etc., we have achieved monthly merchandise of 100 million yen.

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Logo Design


Jp 日本語

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