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Jp 日本語

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How do you do.

Unique photographer "or under" that is.

Ever own fledgling cosplay and conducts proceed to photographers from photographers company exclusive cosplayers, people and landscapes is of course at the moment, but as a merchandise request "product", "cooking" to two aperture photography. For shooting a female Assistant partner, designer.

Thinking is a delicate part. High aesthetic client travellers deliver product in a satisfactory form.
Come see my work here is for the first time, I understand reservations, such as request.

The basic structure is black or white background. Client and the we will shoot travel photography (matched the scenic photos) only in transactions in both necessary and determine the value-added products. At that time as prices are negotiable.

  • Creator ID:17584
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:39y.o.
  • Career:8year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:-


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