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CrowsNest Studio

CrowsNest Studio


Thank you for access.
Environment with its own equipment, so please lets shoot. Please feel free to consult.

Creator ID:17288





Last Login:Within a month

Standard Price

You can see standard fee on category profiles. See List Prices


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2Favorited:   1,065cpt(821Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:49  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


♦ below is what can be taken.
-Product photography
-Web Photo
-Promotional photos
-Architectural photography
-View photos
And events, photo report
Taking your photos according to your wish (Are doing travel photography.

In addition, immediately after the shooting captured → RAW JPAG development '
We handed in our day.
It responds to stay with the emphasis on speed. (Not before retouching.

♦ take on more beautiful pictures of clothing, etc.?
If you have a large conference room level (approximately 6 tatami mats)
We set up a photography booth and immediately shot.
Shot after even passing the data you pass on the day of the shooting.

Low-cost & meet speedy.
♦ shooting according to your request
Product photography and in the profile photo taken in the
You shoot, I want pictures, such as "color, lighting and composition.
While filming request by and while PC and Chuck for the
Reduce hours of retouching, cropping,

Posting and printing smoothly.
♦ other

Planning of the clothing we also offer.
Along the of your choice
Because we want to provide Please feel free to contact us.

Other Category(s)



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