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Jp 日本語

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"Your profile."
Experienced career 15 years of food photography, Interior and shooting accessories, Bridal snap, person portrait of female photographers.

  • Creator ID:17285
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:private
  • Career:23year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 months


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♦ work experience
  4/1995-0/1997 3, architecture journal company entered
  (Company overview) issue of the monthly economic magazine
(Duties), editing and proofreading services
  4/1997-0/2013 may cherry print production department photo Division, Inc.
  (Company overview) planning and advertising and printing industry
(Duties) as Chief Photographer model photography, photography, food photography, photographing people experience

6/2014-started work as a freelance photographer
Shooting skills.
That corresponds to the Studio, outdoor, reporting to various situations.
The former printing company, thingy mainly took food, grocery store and take images. To 500 portraits. Photoshop is a business-ready level.

Want to do with design skills to learn Illustrator by himself.

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