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SATO Sakura Saori

SATO Sakura Saori


Primarily shooting portraits main acts.
And we also take items, such as products and interiors, good at the fancy costume (cosplay), but as a result.
Think what ever were recorded activities as a range of hobbies, will go ahead from a hobby and want to continue working.

Taking pictures the children smile and gentle appearance as the memories of the families can leave.
Only on weekdays now becomes possible.
* 3,000 yen/hour in the plan price is.
* Is the amateur photographer. (1) low price plan (1 hour 3000 Yen shooting jpeg only) (2) standard plan (4000 hour Yen shoot RAW / jpeg conversion only) (3) get individual plans (5000 Yen/hour to shoot RAW simple brightness fixes to jpeg conversion) (4) whole plan (6000 yen per hour RAW shooting and retouching fixes to jpeg conversion)

Creator ID:17195





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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0Favorited:   512cpt(1616Positions /23842People)
Projects Done:33  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good

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