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Jp 日本語

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Portrait in the center forward to good shooting portraits. Business profiles, WEB-related, concert photography, family photos, etc. Please please thank you.

  • Creator ID:17131
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:private
  • Career:40year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within a month


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  • No_photo_l


    Fee: JPY80,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2016.12.26 Terms: 5日


    The day after tomorrow at the Palace Hotel Tokyo's company Christmas party.

    Would it be difficult it is sorry not to consult a sudden shooting to Okura please let us.
    Participant's family of our comp...

    [See more]

  • No_photo_l


    Fee: JPY15,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2016.07.03 Terms: 7日

    Client: 個人(個人)

    It is made a deal and scheduled at Yoyogi Hachiman shrine.

    7 / 2 days you will remember me?
    Prayer (reserved), then going from 10:00

    I believe after prayers in us taking family photos I wish.
    Thank ...

    [See more]

  • No_photo_l


    Fee: JPY12,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2016.05.09 Terms: 1日

    Client: 個人

    Thank you very much. Would it be possible to come on opening before 7 pm or 8 pm 12 am in. (Opening is at 9) also dates the same time 12 days old is in a hurry, and still survives. Are we about 5 piec...

    [See more]

  • No_photo_l


    Fee: JPY4,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2015.12.11 Terms: 90日

    Client: 個人

    To 20000 yen for contact us, thank you.
    1.5 the following ceremonies receptions, is a real two-hour will be held at the 13:30 - 15:30 photography
    Watching the 30 minutes before or after the request in...

    [See more]

  • No_photo_l


    Fee: JPY15,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2015.09.20 Terms: 12日

    Client: 個人

    You take the pictures put on the website of the animal hospital.
    You want to ask Director of pictures and photos of equipment and appearance and each room.
    No photographic equipment.
    I would end up wi...

    [See more]

  • No_photo_l


    Fee: JPY10,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2014.12.26 Terms: 10日

    Client: 個人(公認会計士)

    It is a question.
    That was stated to 22 pm What what what time?
    Probably just shoot you
    I think you shouldn't take so much.
    It is shot much of the building's exterior, entrance, Office entrance and Co...

    [See more]

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Graduated from the Faculty of engineering, Meiji University, graduating after rent Studios Studio man one year experience and worked for two years in the economics newspaper photo Department, and then become a freelance photographer. Currently, talent and celebrity portraits mainly working in magazines, advertisements, etc. 9/2005 to a Kodak Photo Salon 'ROAD GOINNG"photo exhibition. 2010 July Kodak Photo Salon photo album release "baby トナムーホーチミンシティ" publication.

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