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2012.4, chigasaki coast of rabbit-published by takarajimasha last til http://www.google.com/?hl=ja#hl=ja&q= Naito Masamitsu http://www.amazon.co.jp/ chigasaki coast rabbit-til - Naito - ya optical /dp/4796698523
Gakken, more than 35 mm SLR camera 100% working method--perfect command of multifunctional (Gakken camera mook-CAPA camera series)

  • Creator ID:17005
  • Gender:private
  • Age:72y.o.
  • Career:49year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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PRO photographer-winning 38-year magazine President-week between Asahi weekly between new tide music relationship CD jacket stage LIVE 2013 miyanishi noble "I guess Thumper ' JAZZ PIANO Kobashi Atsuko + Inoue, y. Turnaround. 
etc 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games (as a Fuji Film official photographer covering) 1986-1996 LANCEL and BALENCIAGA jumper catalog shoot recently, has a LIVE photo, such as Hawaiian, French Chanson and presentation. 1999-2008 VANTAN Yokohama, Shinjuku.
The Studio Photography instructor at the Shibuya... now Tokyo International University Photography Lab instructor

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