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On-Site Photo Shoot 1 hour :JPY4,000

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Jp 日本語

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Freelance photographer.
Born in Tokyo, and currently living in Tokyo.
Take an interest in stills and video, 2009 editorial staff as experienced bridal-related edits, such as satellite broadcasting, etc. While continuing to edit then started working as a photographer. Live photography, event photography, shooting, shooting photos for publication, filmmaking, etc..
Currently, performing arts productions and video productions, mainly taking snap shots, photos for publication, music VIDEOS, event photography, Bridal editing, press photography, and a wide range of has.
He focuses on areas such as portraits, event photography
NHK World calendar award winning entries (calendar April listings) Used equipment Nikon D4s, D800

  • Creator ID:16928
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:31y.o.
  • Career:11year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:-


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Fashion Photography,Architecture Photography,Interview Photography,Event / School Photography,Film Shooting


Freelance photographer.
Born in Tokyo, and currently living in Tokyo.
Take an interest in stills and video, 2009 editorial staff as experienced bridal-related edits, such as satellite broadcasting, etc. While continuing to edit then started working as a photographer. Live photography, event photography, shooting, shooting photos for publication, filmmaking, etc..
Currently, performing arts productions and video productions, mainly taking snap shots, photos for publication, music VIDEOS, event photography, Bridal editing, press photography, and a wide range of has.
He focuses on areas such as portraits, event photography
NHK World calendar award winning entries (calendar April listings) Used equipment Nikon D4s, D800

Available service

Movie Outsite,Photo Outsite

Studio Equipment

No photo studio

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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