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Jp 日本語

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Will be widely taken EC site product photography, flower photography, from food (food), LIVE, artist photos, photos of fashion, audition, marketing material, workbooks, compositing.
If you prefer we also shoot on film (negatives and positives).
Other consultation as possible to serve as our.

  • Creator ID:16873
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:54y.o.
  • Career:27year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:-


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In 1996, she studied under photographers, Makoto Ikeda.

At the Voith company Assistant and advertising as a photographer, studied photography, fashion, to gain experience.
In 1998, he turned to freelance photographer.

Inc. PIA shooting published book, Kinki Japan tourist catalog, CD covers, etc..
In 2000, some joined the food Photo Studio.
Food taken to the Center.
"ar", "soup" "saita" "weekly ladies" "red" and taken other Mook, etc..

Writing courses to other digital cameras.
2003-now free to
Food, fashion, CD covers, Web shoot in the Center.

Also besides the photos, music, Web design worked extensively.
At your specified location, or the Photo Studio, will be taken.
The accessory products, such as our Studio shooting is possible.

Also at the location for shooting location and situation, will decide on the consultation.

Other consultation as possible to serve as our.

The main client for ever
* Inc. PIA (Weekly PIA, PIA, map the Mook)
* J-phone (now SoftBank)
* as know as
* Otsuka Pharmaceutical
* Pioneer
* Kinki Japan tourist
* Kadokawa Shoten
* Gentosha Inc.
* Recruit
Life, with housewives
* Seven & I publishing
Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo * * Co., media etc.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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