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SaEmi (niikura early, Akemi)

SaEmi (niikura early, Akemi)


Utilizing the sensibility of a woman, photography, Bridal, Matantei NewbornBaby Mostly shot.
Has good photos of warm.
Also Dance itself continues for many years, stage events,
It makes shooting for magazines etc.

Creator ID:16848





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Take an interest in photography during the international line CA, start taking pictures of people all over the world, landscapes.
After graduating from school, he studied under professional photographer.
After retirement, to Hawaii started taking as a free transfer.

After returning to Japan now taken mainly in Tokyo, Yokohama, Kamakura, Chiba, etc during the activity.
Utilizing the sensibility of a woman, photography, Bridal, Matantei NewbornBaby
Dance and shoot at the same time, for many years still own and stage the event,

He also shoots for magazines etc.
Shooting-Juste debout World Congress (Paris, France)
-Event photography such as Yokohama Reggae Festival, a-nation
-Ai, j May, Daichi Miura, OK rock, Kato Milia etc Live shoot -Ne-Yo, Zeebra, Ai, DaPump, EXILE member country artists inside and outside various interview photographer

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