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On-Site Photo Shoot 1 hour :JPY7,500

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Favorited:  2    609cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 29

Satisfaction good good good good good (5.0)

PHOTO WeeklyMVP Week of 30Jul18

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Jp 日本語

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Nice to meet you.

You will be staying.

It is FotosROUTE16 we have photographers in Aichi Prefecture, Ishikawa, Professor.
As a professional, about 11 years ago.
Stints in commercial studios and turned into a free, 4 years old.
There is a Studio Studio shot is possible.
Also, we accept snapshot photography, filming, etc.

Currently flyer of department stores (apparel, model), catalogs, architectural photography, InternetNews.com shooting, shooting sports (now Rugby, baseball, football, kendo, etc) we have been requested primarily. Is that as much as possible without changing the flow of the site have been doing during the filming to shoot go smoothly.
Of course, Director, client and supports ad-hoc meetings in cooperation with the project going, and rebuild the configuration made at the site a lot.

The suggestions from me, not passive.

Student majored in graphic design and composition, that is good.
Also, requests and requirements are going everywhere.

To Tokyo each month, so if you have taken, arrangements, please feel free to consult us.
[Used equipment]
Camera: NIKON D4, D800, D7100
Lens: NIKON 105 mm macro, 70-200 mm SIGMA 50-500 mm 12-24 mm, TAMRON 24-75 mm, 28-300 mm
Clip-on Flash: NIKON SB-800×2 lights
Flash: SunStar Mono block Monster X4 400w×3 lights
Photon generator 1500w 1
[Studio] Studio rooms (small product photography Studio.

Shooting portraits and clippings for paperback photography.)
If us has interest, even a little bit. Thank you in advance.

  • Creator ID:16800
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:44y.o.
  • Career:19year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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There are no project which is permited to show here.


Product Phot ography,Fashion Photography,Architecture Photography,Food Photography,People and Portrait Photography


Studio, located within the printing company after graduating from design school in Nagoya, Assistant to start working.

After leaving the company, belonging to the commercial Studio, Tokyo, Gifu, Japan, after independence.
And in 2006, JPS Awards (merit award) award. -Heisei 23 "nourishment for the heart connecting to the future" (citizens ' prize) winner

Work location

Available service

Photo Studio,Photo Outsite

Studio Equipment

Small Photo Studio suitable for small product photography

Comment: 約8畳ほどのスペースで天井は約3mのスタジオです。

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