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Jp 日本語

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Such as interviews, food photography, sea, underwater, wildlife photography has been widely.

  • Creator ID:16781
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:53y.o.
  • Career:33year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:-


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  • ミーティング時の様子撮影


    Fee: JPY21,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.08.18 Terms: 37日

    Client: 非公開(投資会社)

    Meeting scenes within our customer and request that you you want and would like to contact us. Customers and our President at the meeting scene. Scheduled start time is hope less than an hour from 3:0...

    [See more]

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Touched by a brave life of forcefulness and challenging dive during the 19-year-old, with the sea and live. Nurses who worked for learn to take underwater photos, pictures and quit, joined the Photography Studio. The works include the animals, people, and commercial photography. After that, he studied nacamurasaot and underwater photographer. Such as Minamata Bay now freelance, own work by focusing on working on a variety of themes.
Shoot magazine interview, cooking, 旅mono and widely engaged as well as their theme.
In 2005, "UMI cold diary - Amakusa Island treasures -" published from 35
202011 in Minamata photo exhibition was held at Shinjuku epsite

Besides numerous photography exhibitions

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
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