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Jp 日本語

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Sports Centre in the Kanto region continued to cover better, had visited my parents in the matter of developing digital stage, be aware of rotol, a decade older, but proud of footwork is alive and well, operated by the local government events or individuals with small photo studio based reporting experience at home and abroad.

  • Creator ID:16776
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:72y.o.
  • Career:46year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:-


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Experience free, published by magazine House, Kodansha, Dentsu, helm Inc.
Major League Baseball 20 years covering the domestic Yachting coverage
Sports photos 10 books or more
National photography exhibition five times
Member of Japan professional photographers society (JPS)
Major advertising paper produced works
Nestle malted beverages Milo, dynamic life insurance, Asahi beverage Ichiro can Asahi beer Olympics can pettanko, Hara tatsunori Tak fancl dreams one step, other

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