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Atelier Onodera Onodera Hiroshi

Atelier Onodera Onodera Hiroshi


This is photo firm and good location shots in Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture, President Onodera Yutaka.
Family photos, wedding photos, school event photography, sport shooting, let other events taking. Want to spread its own width he experienced three years of school photos and shooting sports photographer, then in the photo gallery and worked for five and a half years, learned the type of photography and lighting techniques. Our adult formula and 753, your wedding location shooting is good, so thank you.

Creator ID:16747





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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4Favorited:   -208cpt(22967Positions /23793People)
Projects Done:14  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Taking school pictures (preschool, elementary school) and sports (mainly soccer) intended to sell Tokyo rental Studio after Studio man business a year and a half, three years experience.

And five and a half years worked for the Chichibu-Shi, Saitama co., Ltd. Chichibu Photo Gallery, 9/2015 retired after independent and to the present.
Saitama prefectural industry photo contest silver once, and has won numerous Kanto photo Museum Association contest

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