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Jp 日本語

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Is a combination of designers and copywriters.
While trading experience with leading companies in the advertising agency finish personalized sense of advertising design.
Production is production of such production, Mook, fiction, picture books, etc. planning editing, book design, Cup T shirt-Carta toy sales, fliers, brochure, business card, logo, advertising agent.and.
In the image up of shops and businesses, to further performance up. Individuals who feel free to consult.

  • Creator ID:1522
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:18year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-


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Bookbinding, logo design, brochure, business cards, novel, books


The legend of General Rouge ( takarajimasha backlist ) planning, editing, Sumitomo real estate city terrace mejiro, Nomura real estate 'proud Shin-urayasu"(Watanabe Ken appointment until a directory), Kitakyushu City civic group Tanpopo House poster preparation ( posted at JR stations ).


Any other questions I want to ask in advance, at any time please feel free to consult.

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