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Satisfaction good good good good good (5.0)

評価 提案力:5.0 コミュニケーション力:5.0 納品物の満足度:5.0 納期の正確さ:5.0 対応の早さ:5.0

Projects Done 8

Favorited:  18 557cpt See CPT distribution

Client's Reviews

全て滞りなく進行して大変満足しております。 good good good good good (Part Time Employee)

good good good good good (Self-Employed)

かなり曖昧な内容の依頼にも関わらず、想像以上の素敵なイラストを描いて頂いて本当に感謝と感激しかありません。 近いうちにまた依頼させて頂こうと思います。 本当にありがとうございました。 good good good good good (Part Time Employee)

とても丁寧に私好みの絵柄です。 good good good good good (Employee)

good good good good good (Employee)




Fee: Private Completed Date: 2016.07.14 Terms: 65日

Client: 個人(Part Time Employee)

-Create character purpose / overview
Card games have produced individual "cards!" the want to thank drew the characters, we contact.
Cards. official blog:http://cardol.blog.fc2.com/ "cards!" has app...[もっと見る]



Fee: JPY10,800 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2016.04.12 Terms: 11日

Client: 個人(Employee)

-To create the illustration purpose / summary: as an appreciation
 -Output file specification:
 PNG file format: JPEG
 Size and specifications: 600 x 600

Number of points: 1

-Article can be p...[もっと見る]

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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