Cover Image




I thought a try each other good trade can be.
We can basically as you work like to take a
Deadlines, fees, unreasonable, or manners not technically, sentence, etc.

You should note that if you refuse to have.
[Work undertaken:
Girl draws a picture called the so-called MoE.
In the illustration of the character standing pictures, novels, pre-production, RPG maker
Expression of the characters used;
We believe in can you please let we want to.
If you have something please feel free to consult us.

* Under age 18 prohibited even okay.
[Delivery date / price information]
Because the amount and price may vary depending on quantity, density, time
Help, say some, is not as inexpensive I would like to provide.
Let me quote from our contact

We will.
[Also from the image rough draft OK] Draw the character?
You can get in this image?
And how rice burst out from the image here is rough
What this character, that will let me draw.

Please contact us.
Colored, no color, but price is 1 cut
Considers 8,000 yen much from.
Please feel free to consult.
Also, please check sample of what painting?.
I would have no trouble feeling good deal.

Creator ID:14573





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


For the novel illustrations pre-production look collection

Other Category(s)

Moe-style Illustration


Jp 日本語


Cute girl MoE

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