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Jp 日本語

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Touch various illustrations, character creation, are available to create a material, such as creating a banner. Also, cots, General design on the Web.

  • Creator ID:142
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:124year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-


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Illustrations, character creation, Web design, variety of materials


As a Web design and was working in Web design and production company. Major duties was done material production, character production, HTML coating, Web design. Especially the anime production and material production most, made anime, map production as the main Designer in Kanagawa Toyota drive map production.
(Now delivery end)
Involved in the site creation, such as young job spots Tokyo, employment and skills development center for Kanagawa, beam planning, film ジャンプボーイズ, Affairs Ministry of information communication white paper for Kids, Shonan South College (anime, material creation etc). Currently studying design to live in NY.

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