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1Favorited:   416cpt(1993Positions /23790People)
Projects Done:8  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good
評価 提案力:5.0 コミュニケーション力:5.0 納品物の満足度:5.0 納期の正確さ:5.0 対応の早さ:5.0


Fee: JPY35,000 (Tax Included)
Completed Date: :2014.04.20
Terms: :15日
Client: :株式会社 天馬商事(小売・インターネット販売・貿易)
Create a site to sell such as General cosmetics and cosmetics
It, and character creation (number of points poses)
Creating a logo and site name
The bid to sell mainly cosmetic and cosmetic
Is fall...
Fee: JPY10,000 (Tax Included)
Completed Date: :2014.01.19
Terms: :22日
Client: :個人(ECサイト)
Will make the new company
Will companies that sell drugs and cosmetics and daily necessities in Internet sales and retail
Company name, but tenma Corporation's

Store name is drug Pegasus
In the feeli...
Fee: JPY13,500 (Tax Included)
Completed Date: :2012.07.25
Terms: :18日
Client: :個人(調剤薬局)
Appeal in our stores is located in Office of Nagoya-dispensing side is expected to use because you are 手配り flyers and WEB site
whats we ask because my image and I met a salaried non sample 1 pictures...

Client's Reviews

Satisfaction: good good good good good いつもながらnonさんは、すばらしい次回も何かあった場合は 必ずnonさんに依頼します(小売・インターネット販売・貿易)
Satisfaction: good good good good good いつもながら作業も迅速でとても助かっています 次回もNonさんに依頼したいです(ECサイト)
Satisfaction: good good good good good 初めての依頼で提案などが、かなり大雑把のなか私が、頭の中で想像していたものとほぼ同じものが、出来上がりましたのでとても満足しています プロの方は、やはりすごいな~とつくづく思いました(調剤薬局)

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