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One paperback cover design :private

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Projects Done 3

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Jp 日本語


First name alone, Glirulus (グリルルス).

Mostly worked in comics and anime-related work.
Currently for childcare in the home to work. That may be difficult to respond quickly please thank you.

  • Creator ID:10829
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:18year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago



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-Toys for toddlers package design, logo design,
Leading publisher of manga magazines text layout, logo design,
Tokyo publishing house in that of novels and comic book cover, logo and text layout

At Tokyo Publisher's sales and promotional tool design (flyers, posters, POP, novelty.) For comic-related work, we experienced Street genre and taste a variety of up to 18 General 一般 向け 女性 向け 、 男性 向け for women and for men, for low grades from the. Also has experience in illustration, so consult too amateur.

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