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Gaich Muramatsu

Gaich Muramatsu


Humor illustration depicts in a wide range, such as.literature, pen and paper cut-outs, prints, airbrush, SUMI-e touch base. Depicts a bright elegance of work wanting to take care.

Creator ID:1073





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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14Favorited:   105cpt(7161Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:15  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Human-centered humor-themed pieces


Works so far
TAROT Tarot joint publication and book design
Exactly what Goldilocks Taiping book binding and paper cutout illustrations
World Science Center fossil anthropology research illustrations and illustrations
World Science Museum express train of research illustrations and illustrations
Illustrated zoology, illustrations and pictures
タネとり strategy agriculture statement OPS books
Encyclopedia in Sutra publishing cutting well know the Kanji idioms
Reflections navel agriculture statement OPS books
Percy banana Apple wish agriculture statement OPS books
Living in river farming statement OPS book live
Book of sex and body together Sha illustrations
The journal Science hero who Columbus Kirie
Science magazine hero who Pasteur Liberia press cutting
Japanese monoshiri big encyclopedia of research illustrations
こどう Winsows beginner Libro book illustrations
Freedom of science and craft Kumon publishing illustrations and illustrations
Agriculture statement OPS books make the food microbiology
Things I learned at Microsoft ASCII press pictures You can see why tomorrow's weather is for?
Kairaku-en-Sha illustrations and illustrations The why is morning glory flowers open to morning?
Kairaku-en-Sha illustrations and illustrations
Mail beginners guide ASCII press illustrations
パーソナルハウ l beginners guide ASCII press illustrations
ウェブリケーター l beginners guide ASCII press illustrations
Dani and above all of language health dvdrip, illustrations
Electric toy box Kodansha illustrations and artwork Skill is!
Carpenter Flavel House illustrations and artwork
Agriculture statement OPS book flowers make the flower delivery
Automatic Millionaire Kodansha illustrations in stock
Infusion fluid care Q & A Zhongshan book illustrations and artwork
Kinder book than Flavel House illustration Such fun mathematical experiment, Kodansha cover and cut illustration


Take care, work and client trust.
Introduced 17 years ago, Mac and illustrations we are printing in the data.

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Jp 日本語

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