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WADA bird taro

WADA bird taro


Drawing caricatures of the cute illustrations and illustrations of animals, pets and people too.
Picture of me, even a little tired but I'm happy. Personally I like building, pop often draw the illustrations of the building.

Creator ID:1035





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Pop illustrations, caricatures, アニマルイラストレーション, pop a landscape painting


■ Illustrator taro bird WADA born in 1979.
Design Office after becoming freelance illustrator.

Recently, start of picture books and pet portraits. ■ as a main job "table approach Navigator-cover illustration '" super studio, inc.-cards illustrated ' "PARTS.CO... JP co., Ltd. - catalog front cover illustration ' "THE DOG CLUB - mobile site decoy, templates, animated GIF '" THE DOG CLUB-mobile photo contest winner dog caricature January-February ' "JTB Corporation-business cards cards, fans, Kiss Mint illustrations '" watarase River River area office, land conservation-Kathleen typhoon damage by a flood measures picture ' "recruit x Lipton-R25, L25 illustrations '" Makoto sentence-do shinkosha-friend my dog cut illustrations ' "pet goods shop Ful Ful Dog logo design ' "pet shop"Ful Ful Dog character illustrations"and"RISO - Gocco greeting illustration collection of greeting illustration' "gijutsu Hyoronsha-easy! Super wonderful new year letter ' "Iino KAIUN co., Ltd.-wallpaper gift planning wallpaper illustration '" musician-Miyazaki Shigemori CD jacket, HP illustration & design ' "Yokohama Sogo department store-at dog events dog caricature live '" Seibu Ikebukuro-at dog events dog caricature live ' ■ Exhibition-2006 "in Aichi Prefecture Kasugai FUTURO CAFE dog exhibition exhibition '" Roppongi-TORITAROU WADA EXHIBISION 2 solo exhibitions at the VERANDA '-2005 "Roppongi- TORITAROU WADA EXHIBISION solo exhibitions at the VERANDA]-2001 "Shibuya-aerospace Department Gallery ARTWAD's at the group exhibition crawling exhibition '


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