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On-Site Photo Shoot 1 hour :JPY8,000

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Jp 日本語

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[Self-introduction text] I am a photographer based in Shonan. While mainly shooting people, I also shoot pets and cars. I support a wide range of photography, such as shooting publicity photos and portraits, as well as recording events, and we are good at taking pictures of pets, sports, automobiles, etc. by utilizing our skills to follow the subject. Please feel free to contact us!

  • Creator ID:29474
  • Gender:other
  • Age:2y.o.
  • Career:2year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within a month


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People and Portrait Photography


I have 13 years of experience in touching cameras and 5 years of experience with single-lens reflex cameras. I continued as a hobby, but since 2019, I have been able to receive requests little by little, and until now I have been taking pictures of publicity materials and recording events. In the future, I registered with skillots in order to make my cameraman activities even more serious. Please contact us by all means once.


I have 13 years of experience in touching cameras and 5 years of experience with single-lens reflex cameras. I continued as a hobby, but from 2019 I have been able to receive requests little by little, and until now I have been taking pictures of publicity materials and recording events. In the future, I registered with skillots in order to make my cameraman activities even more serious. Please contact us by all means once.

Work location

Comment: 基本的には神奈川県での依頼をお受けしております。

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