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Making a 15 sec. movie :private

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Jp 日本語

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I thought that I would like to do video production at a convincing price for what the client really is convinced, and I made a cost-based business model. First of all, we ask clients to do Orien, and we will make presentations according to their contents. At that time we will present the cost. After that, we will take the process of making progress, implementing, and after delivery, based on cost, we will ask the client to decide the direction fee and planning fee.

  • Creator ID:19220
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:8year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Talent video / CG video / live action


In 2006 graduated from Department of Arts, Seijo University. After graduating from university, I participated in TVman union, later experienced CM production · sales at a major advertising agency, and since 2016 I was engaged as a creative director at a company specializing in IR / corporate branding. Many direct dealing clients are in charge of all processes except photography until planning, presentation, copywriting, supervision and editing. In order to respond to the client's request despite being cheap, we have set up KPI every time and are trying to measure the effect of the production.

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