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One character (Single point of view) :JPY12,000

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Jp 日本語


For you can taste a variety of illustrations.

It is anime the shadow specializes in.
Illustration samples → https://box.yahoo.co.jp/guest/slideshow?sid=box-l-mvj3s2pwdhrza6wilducknneju-1001&uniqid=38531d4e-d195-43cc-abc4-0f988b6c1a97
Illustration sample ( 18 ) → https://box.yahoo.co.jp/guest/slideshow?sid=box-l-mvj3s2pwdhrza6wilducknneju-1001&uniqid=baa51aeb-27a9-427d-8bf4-1391c5c1ecfa For men, for women, MoE, dark, cute, mature, underground and subculture

  • Creator ID:9134
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:14year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-


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Anime MoE, a shadow, illustrations for women, female characters, Guy character, creature


2010 ■ コアマガジンメガ store H ttp://www.coremagazine.co.jp/comimegah/ table 3 pinup ■ GREE "Onmyoji-Heian demon Kitan ~' ttp://gree.jp/ the monster illustrations number of points
■ m1dy Mr CD jacket Lector-sky-diamorphine and several points 2011 ■ DJ an event flyer, exhibition ttp://aotuki.peko.to/flyer.jp 2012 on the same day ■ individuals like adult illustrations, etc. メガストアピンナップ 2013 ■ solo exhibition


For you can taste a variety of illustrations. Good with MOE is the shadow of anime, but can accommodate various. Quickly have the sincerity we will let me work.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
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