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One character (Single point of view) :JPY12,000

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Favorited:  40    717cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 9

Satisfaction good good good good good (4.75)

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Jp 日本語


Nice to meet you, naruko Lolo (be trying filtrate) and my name is. Majored in character design in college. Specialty and women's writing, pretty girls and deformed design can.
Colours are vivid, pale, chic. The paint without blur and thick paint, painting as well as in come.
Calligraphy is available in 3 steps. Is basically draw men and women as they age early-thirties that much current are the main. About further consult as much as possible to the ideal closer.

  • Creator ID:8768
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:11year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


刀剣乱舞より 鶴丸国永

刀剣乱舞より 鶴丸国永

刀剣乱舞より 大倶利伽羅

刀剣乱舞より 大倶利伽羅

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Illustration, banner design


While apparel shop staff after graduating from design school in Fukuoka 2008, friend book cover such salon in Tokyo, and several novelty postcards, calendar design had a small request.
Calligraphy is available in 3 steps.

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